The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between by Hisham Matar


Hisham Matar, a renowned writer, has spent much of his adult life unsure if his activist father is alive or dead. In his award-winning memoir The Return, he delves deep into the pain of not knowing the fate of his father and the turmoil of his own journey. Born to Libyan parents and raised across different countries, Matar’s literary success has spanned novels and now a powerful memoir that explores themes of family, loss, and political oppression.

The heart of Matar’s memoir is his quest to find his father, a prominent opponent of Gaddafi’s regime, who disappeared without a trace. Through poignant storytelling, Matar takes readers on a journey to Libya, where he immerses himself in his family’s past and the country’s tumultuous history. He paints a vivid picture of a nation scarred by political turmoil and shares intimate moments with relatives who have endured hardship and loss.

Matar’s writing skillfully captures the essence of his father, portraying him as a symbol of courage and resilience in the face of oppression. His exploration of grief and longing for a lost parent resonates deeply, as he grapples with the absence that defines his life. Through lyrical language, Matar not only tells his personal story but also shines a light on the broader injustices and struggles faced by those who fight for freedom.

In his encounters with Libyan political prisoners, Matar reflects on the shared experience of suffering and the resilience needed to survive such hardships. His words serve as a testament to the enduring human spirit in the face of adversity and as a tribute to those who have sacrificed for a cause. Matar’s memoir stands as a poignant reminder of the power of literature to bear witness to history and to honor those who have endured great loss in the pursuit of justice.