Bimboland by Erin Taylor


Bimboland is the first poetry collection by author Erin Taylor. The title acts as a statement, a warning, and an invitation. The poems reflect on the challenges of navigating work and relationships in the digital age, exploring themes of identity and intimacy: “I became in the era of the Internet / [ … ] every thought is known every nude / stored on the Cloud somewhere.” While rooted in the body, Bimboland presents a dreamlike realm, searching for stability amid uncertainty.

Taylor’s poems depict New York City as a backdrop where wealth and everyday life collide. The collection blends elements of the New York School with online culture, presenting a raw and candid perspective on sexuality and society. References to social media and personal experiences offer insights into femininity, vulnerability, and power dynamics.

Drawing parallels with Russian Futurist Vladimir Mayakovsky, Taylor’s use of exclamation points adds a sense of immediacy to the poems. The dedication to Peter Kropotkin and Kathy Acker hints at Taylor’s influences, combining passion and detachment in her writing. The collection’s casual tone disarms intense emotions, creating a space for contemplation and self-exploration.

As the poems progress, Taylor’s guarded demeanor gives way to moments of vulnerability and reflection. The intersections of personal narrative and global crises resonate throughout the collection, highlighting the interconnectedness of emotional and societal challenges. Addressing themes of loss, estrangement, and resilience, Bimboland navigates the complexities of existence in a rapidly changing world.

By incorporating elements of social media discourse and personal revelation, Bimboland captures the essence of contemporary life and isolation. The closing poem, “looking for a daddy,” encapsulates a journey towards self-acceptance and emotional growth. While the collection ends with a sense of uncertainty, it invites readers to join the speaker in their search for meaning and connection amidst chaos and change.