Inheriting the War by

In a collection of writings by descendants of Vietnam War veterans and refugees, Viet Thanh Nguyen, known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Sympathizer, shares his experience as a young refugee arriving in...

Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead

Colson Whitehead's latest novel, Harlem Shuffle, tells the compelling story of Ray Carney. He is a furniture salesman, family man, and budding entrepreneur who embodies the classic archetype of the striver. The book...

The Science of Lost Futures by Ryan Habermeyer

Mark Twain famously said that reality can be stranger than fiction because fiction is bound by possibilities. Ryan Habermeyer, the author of the award-winning story collection The Science of Lost Futures, seems to...

The Cloister by James Carroll

James Carroll, a former Catholic priest known for his writings on religion and politics, has delved into the complex relationship between the Church and the Jews in his acclaimed book Constantine's Sword: The...

My Struggle, Book Two by Karl Ove Knausgaard, translated by Don Bartlett

Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle series is often seen as a work that blurs the lines between fact and fiction, exploring themes of self-reflection, relationships, and the essence of human existence. In Book...

Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Kiley Reid's first novel gained significant attention even before its publication, with endorsements from various sources ranging from Jojo Moyes and Lena Waithe to Entertainment Weekly and The New York Times. In January,...

Gravity Changes by Zach Powers

Zach Powers's collection of nineteen stories, Gravity Changes, explores a wide range of topics, from mundane childhood experiences to extraordinary scenarios like a man marrying a light bulb. The characters in these stories...

Shadowless by Hasan Alí Toptaş, translated by Maureen Freely and John Angliss

Hasan Ali Toptaş is often referred to as the modern Turkish equivalent of Kafka, and his work "Shadowless" solidifies this comparison. Despite his recognition in Turkey, where he is esteemed similarly to Orhan...

Ruthie Fear by Maxim Loskutoff

Maxim Loskutoff's first novel follows Ruthie Fear, who lives with her father, Rutherford, and their dog, Moses, at the foot of Trapper Peak in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana. They embody the challenging...

The Collected Stories of Gladys Schmitt by Gladys Schmitt

Gladys Schmitt, during her teaching tenure at Carnegie Mellon, authored eleven novels and a multitude of short stories. These stories, originally published between 1929 and 1969 in magazines such as Atlantic Monthly, It’s...