A Disappearance in Damascus: Friendship and Survival in the Shadow of War by Deborah...

A Disappearance in Damascus, a compelling book by journalist Deborah Campbell, received several prestigious awards in Canada in 2016. This is Campbell's second book, following her earlier work This HEATED Place: Encounters in...

The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between by Hisham Matar

Hisham Matar, a renowned writer, has spent much of his adult life unsure if his activist father is alive or dead. In his award-winning memoir The Return, he delves deep into the pain...

Norman Mailer: A Double Life by J. Michael Lennon

Here is Jonathan Lethem writing in the Los Angeles Review of Books about Norman Mailer’s influence on twentieth-century culture: Asked to name an enduring literary figure from postwar fiction, akin to figures like Sherlock...

Autumn Light by Pico Iyer

Pico Iyer's latest memoir, Autumn Light, begins with a sudden call from his wife, Hiroko Takeuchi, informing him of her father's hospitalization in Japan. While away from home, Iyer learns of his father-in-law's...

They Didn’t See Us Coming by Lisa Levenstein

Lisa Levenstein, an expert in feminist politics and women's history, delves into the hidden forces behind social change that drive towards a more just world. In her latest work following her 2009 book...

The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume 2: 1956-1963 by Sylvia Plath, edited by Peter...

When I received a 1,078-page preview of The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Vol. 2: 1956–1963 in PDF format, I was tempted to skip straight to the fourteen explosive, unreleased letters written by Plath...

Philosopher of the Heart by Clare Carlisle

Philosophers often lead quiet and introspective lives, focusing on deep reflections rather than dramatic events. The life of Søren Kierkegaard, a renowned introverted philosopher, as explored in Clare Carlisle's recent book Philosopher of...

The Book of Emma Reyes by Emma Reyes, translated by Daniel Alarcón

The Book of Emma Reyes was brought to the attention of Daniel Alarcón by a persistent stranger who insisted he read it at the Bogotá Book Fair in 2014. Alarcón, known for uncovering...

This Is One Way to Dance by Sejal Shah

Sejal Shah's first collection of essays, This Is One Way to Dance, delves into the visibility and invisibility experienced by South Asian Americans. Through twenty-five interconnected essays spanning two decades, Shah shares reflections...

Aftershocks by Nadia Owusu

Nadia Owusu's memoir delves into the impact of earthquakes beyond just metaphors. Her story spans continents from Tanzania to Ethiopia, Rome to London to Arizona. As a child, she connected her personal trauma...